TriPine Blog

The Amazing Synchronous Fireflies of the Great Smoky Mountains
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is home to one of the most amazing natural phenomena in the world: the synchronous fireflies. These fireflies, which are actually a type of beetle, synchron...
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The Appalachian Trail & Three Awe-Inspiring Trailblazers
The Appalachian Trail is a 2,190-mile long trail that stretches through 14 states in the eastern United States. It’s considered one of the greatest hikes in the world, attracting thousands of adven...
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5 Must-See Locations in the Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is a diverse region of natural beauty with a vast array of must-see locations that are ideal for endless exploring. From rugged coastlines to lush forests and majestic mounta...
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A simple guide to Leave No Trace when day hiking
Leave No Trace principles are 7 important standards to follow whenever you spend time outdoors. Anytime we participate in outdoor recreation we have the potential to negatively impact the environme...
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Sometimes a trip that you have completely planned a week in advance still does not go as planned. You can either let it be chaos and a bust or you can let it flow into one beautiful, crazy adventur...
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Connecting with Fellow Adventurers on the Trail
I recently came back from a short backpacking trip in the Smoky Mountain National Park. The smokies are my favorite place to hike, and with it only being 3.5 hours from Atlanta, it feels like a sec...
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If there is anything that we love just as much, if not more, than the outdoors and traveling it might have to be beer and other libations (always drink responsibly). As a team we love going to diff...
Read moreThere are many things that people strive after, thrills and adventure seem to be common amongst nearly all people. For some it can be the extreme of scaling Mount Everest, the peace of backpacking ...
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